One of my favorite parts of my job is photographing practitioners of various modalities and healing traditions. Whenever possible, I engage real energy workers for photoshoots to capture authentic images of their work. No matter what type of energy work you specialize in, there are stock photos for you at Inspired Stock Shop, and our collections are always growing based on community requests.
If you’ve been searching for the perfect stock photos for energy workers, you’ve found the right place. Here are 10 stock photo collections that can help you in promoting your energy work practice. This is certainly not an exhaustive list, but it will get you started!
Mindful Monday

Mondays are for creative musings, meetings, and mindfulness if you ask us. The Mindful Monday Collection captures the essence of what all spiritual entrepreneurs seek: joy, connection, and soulfulness. With a beautiful light autumn palette of blush, soft peach, and cool grays, this stock photography collection radiates joy, mindful productivity, and spiritual connectedness. It’s a versatile collection perfect for coaches, mentors, energy healers, wellness advocates, and beyond.
Sisterhood Circle

There’s nothing quite like gathering with a group of like-minded, soulful women. The Sisterhood Circle Collection captures the magic that happens when women gather. Featuring glimpses of a sacred tea ceremony, a shuffling of oracle cards, and the sharing of food, this collection will make you take a deep breath and reminisce on your own similar experiences. The collection features women of various ages, photographed in their natural beauty in the gentle sunshine.
Soul Circle

Gather in the sunshine as the waves lap at the beach with Soul Circle, a gorgeous collection celebrating sisterhood and spirituality. Rich hues of mauve, lavender, gold, chocolate, and onyx create the palette for this joyful stock photo collection. Candid images of a ritual in action make it perfect for diverse spiritual brands. Use these images to share about your moon circle experience, a new guided meditation, or spiritual living tips.
Outdoor Dreams

Step into a realm where magic and nature mingle in the beautiful Outdoor Dreams Collection. With a combination of sunlight filtering through leaves, gorgeous botanicals, and a soothing, organic color palette, this collection is sure to leave you ready to start dancing through the flowers yourself – just like our model in a couple of the images!

The Reiki healing collection features a reiki healer performing a session on a client. This collection truly displays all of the intricate details that go into a healing session and a behind-the-curtain view of the process.
If you are a healer or want to share the powerful results of Reiki Healing, these images would be a perfect accent to your written copy. This collection was photographed during an actual reiki session, no models were used. It was a beautiful experience to capture!
Sacred Space

The Sacred Space Collection features an altar set up with lots of candles, crystals, a Buddha, incense, and sage, in both daytime and nighttime settings. It also includes flat-lays in a dark color palette with crystals, a smudge stick, and a moon journal, making it a versatile collection for energy workers.
Energy Healing

The Energy Healing Collection features sunset images of women who are meditating, practicing mindfulness, and using crystals to heal themselves. This is a gorgeous set of neutral holistic images for spiritual and soulful women ready to uplevel their online business brand identity.
Boheme Blush

Self-care is essential for any spiritual entrepreneur. The Boheme Blush Collection features elements of spiritual work and spiritual self-care that are perfect for coaches, EFT practitioners, and magical business owners alike. This collection combines hues of dusty rose, lavender, and soft grays and will inspire your creativity.
Boheme Blush is a special collection of stock photos, as it was created in part during an EFT Tapping session. The energy seems to radiate from the peaceful tapping images.
Distance Healing

Energy knows no time or space. The Distance Healing Collection captures this truth through stunning photos of a healer at work. There’s something for every online energy worker in this collection, whether that’s Reiki, astrology consultations, chakra balancing, or beyond. Among the images are several shots utilizing a representation board for crystal grids. The board features a masculine figure, while the energy worker also uses a female figure on paper for flexibility no matter who you serve in your business.
Desktop Tranquility

Can a home office be a sanctuary? In the Desktop Tranquility Collection, it is! A vibrant palette of turquoise, hot pink, and rich orchid gives this stock photo collection a creative vibe, while the solopreneur within connects to her inner wisdom through podcasting, meditation, and vision boarding. These photos are perfect for promoting your workshop, podcast, or new online course. You’ll love the glimpses of the magic of the moon, mindfulness, and a beautiful desk altar.
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Inspired Stock Shop is the only stock photography shop and membership with spiritual and wellness-focused stock photos and videos filled with light and energy for heart-led, purpose-based businesses. You’ll also gain access to exclusive templates for your social media accounts and digital offerings.