How to Start your Day With a Positive Mindset (7 Tips)

Starting your day with a positive attitude has its benefits. Mornings set the tone for the rest of the day. In fact research shows that morning people are more positive and productive than night owls. So how can you make the best of this delicate and lovely time that you have all to yourself?

Today I thought I would share 7 ways to start your day with a positive mindset.

1. Be Grateful

When you wake up in the morning, take a few breaths and take a moment to find something that you are grateful for, and give thanks to the people who love you for who you are.

2. Meditate

Spend 10 minutes meditating. Observe your breath, how it enters and how it leaves your body. Create a sense of peace within to help you get into a good head space.

Take a few minutes and think of 5 qualities in you that you can be proud of.

3. Make Your Bed

Once the small task of making your bed is out the way, your day seems that much more organized and doable.

4. Stretch Yourself Out

Stretching boosts your mood, energy and self-esteem. Exercise helps boost endorphin, the happy hormone, so it will make you feel more energized in the mornings.

5. Nurture Your Body

Drink a glass of water, preferably warm with a squeeze of lemon juice. Be present while having a wholesome breakfast.

Consciously set your energy and intention towards your day.

6. Get Mentally Organised

Grab a journal and list out what’s in your head. Separate your thoughts and tasks into various categories.

This will help clear your head and make you feel more prepared for the day.

Align your heart, mind and sprit with your intention in order create, manifest and attract it!

7. Plan Something Fun

Plan something fun for the end of the day. Think of something that you love doing.

Anticipating something exciting can bring you just as much excitement as the event itself!

Soon you will have created a morning routine that you adore!

When you wake up tomorrow, ask yourself do I choose to be a new me today?

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