Setting an intention for the New Year is a big picture exercise that starts with looking back at what happened over the past year, analyzing how it felt and meant to you, then thinking about what direction you want to take in the next new year after the lessons you’ve learned.
For instance, if you reflect and notice a pattern that was unhealthy and not serving your highest good, a proactive intention to set is one that replaces that pattern in a healthier light.
Example: you noticed you consumed more junk food and alcohol this past year (understandable but we can always do better!) so your new intention would be to eat healthy 80% of the time and 20% splurging for 2021. This is an intention that doesn’t require complete perfectionism but adds a healthier addition to your life.
What do you feel this next year will be about? What do you want to manifest in yourself, your relationships, and in your career?
Here are 3 steps that you can take for setting intentions for the New Year:
- Brain dump your thoughts and desires (use my intention setting guide below)
- Meditate on how you want to show up. Take moments to completely quiet your mind and focus on your breath. From there, allow your mind to connect to your intuition and listen for guidance.
- Create a clear intention and journal some mantras surrounding that intention.
As you begin to contemplate what your New Year’s intentions will be, look for gratitude in all that you already have. Tap into the energy of your heart center and allow yourself to feel the energy that flows from your heart.
Next you can start to add rituals to your intentions:
The New Moon
Have you noticed how you are affected by the moon? The New Moon coming up on 6 January is a great time to put your hopes and dreams out into the Universe and then take actions that will help you move toward success. You can even take it a step further and look at the moon calendar for 2021 and make it a part of your scheduling. Look into the meanings of each and create accordingly.
Meditation or Prayer
Intentions come from a higher, deeper place, and in order to access this higher wisdom, ask for guidance and clarity through prayer.
What path do you want to follow this year? What are the next steps you want to take in your life? What do you want to manifest?
Close your eyes and focus on your breath, allow your mind to wander around your body, and listen to what comes up for you. When you’re first starting out, it is helpful to use guided meditations to help you to get back to focusing on your breath.
Did you know we offer free guided meditations here at Inspired Stock Shop? Link here to access.

Use crystals
Find a quiet place and place your crystals on a table and light a candle. Write your intentions or wishes for the New Year on a piece of paper, read your intentions out loud, then fold it and place it down on your table. Lay down your crystals on top of the paper in a way that feels intuitive, keeping your intentions in mind.
Write It Down
Writing helps to clarify and solidify our thoughts. Use paper and pen or a computer and write your intentions in a meaningful way. List a few supporting actions that will help guide you towards success.

Try and perform these rituals regularly, not just at the beginning of a New Year. You can use these rituals during lunar events such as the full and new moon, and during special transitions.
They can be incredibly powerful for shifting your energy to attract abundance, happiness and power. You will find it helps you tap into your deepest desires, explores your fears and brings them to light, and allows you to align your subconscious with your conscious thoughts.

I looked through several journals (I go through many of them each year!) and found my own goals and desires from 2020. Looking back it’s so wonderful to see how my top 3 desires came true:
- Seeing growth with ISS and happy members
With the onset of everyone moving their business online, either because of necessity to pivot and adapt to the current climate, or simply because of the desire to work from home, the need for stock imagery is higher than ever. I’m honored that hundreds of women have been signing up to use my images in their businesses to help them thrive and look beautiful online and grateful for all the beautiful messages from happy members that come my way.
- Waking up to sales coming in while I sleep
Not a day goes by that I don’t wake up to sales and orders coming in and I couldn’t be more grateful.
- Creative photo shoot projects with female leaders in the spiritual industry
In creating new and relevant content for the stock library I’ve had so much fun meeting and collaborating with beautiful souls to create content for the membership which has opened up so many new doors.
There are so many wonderful humans doing great things for their community sharing their light and love and I feel so blessed to have been able to reach out to them and have them be a part of ongoing content to the library.
If it can happen for me, then it can happen for you!
My goals for 2021 are even bigger now because of how far I’ve come in just one year.
In 2021 I am calling in:
• Building an online community for members and fans of ISS via a Facebook Group community
• Creating even more beautiful collections for ISS and building more excitement around them as they drop
• Developing Masterclasses and Presets
• Continue to build my team to support me in doing what I love and make ISS a thriving creative hub for the spiritual community
What are you calling in for the New Year?

browse our stock photo collections used in this article!