Inspired Stock Shop Member Spotlight: Krista Goncalves

We love seeing how our members use our images and content in their business.

During our Health and Wellness month we featured ISS member Krista Goncalves, a content and copywriter for wellness entrepreneurs.

Tell me about your business. What do you do and what do you specialize in?

I am a Content + Copywriter and Holistic Brand Strategist for Health Pros & Women Wellness Entrepreneurs (formerly a Fitness Trainer & Holistic Nutritionist!)

How do you use the images from your membership in your business and in communicating your brand messaging?

I’ve been using ISS’s images on my website (blogs, pages) and my social posts (namely IG) to better connect with my audience of female health & wellness pros. I want to convey the message that standing out in your “wellness business” means more than just sharing heart-shaped hands on stomachs, laughing while eating a salad, and showing your bare butt on a beach!

It’s about being aligned with your brand, and allowing that alignment to show through visually and not just in the actual words (written or spoken) that you use to communicate to your audience.

What do you love most about being a member to the Inspired Stock Shop?

I feel like it speaks directly to me… with the variety of elements, colors and energy to choose from that would suit so many different brands and industries – including mine! Very versatile and adaptive.

Do you have any favorite images or collections from the stock library?

I’m a travel lover & natural water baby (my first love – and educational background – was in marine biology) so the ocean images speak to me the most. However, that’s not what my business or brand is really about so it’s hard to hold myself back from using those ones all the time!

What’s next, any big plans for your business you’d like to share?

Digging deeper into creating a full-on membership platform as the basis of my entire business (Krista Goncalves Co.) – which is quite new to me!

See how Krista uses Inspired Stock Shop images in her business:

On her website
Pins for Pinterest

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