3 ways to create a cohesive Instagram aesthetic

Having a cohesive Instagram feed is key to turning visitors into followers and one of the best ways to grow your account. When you have pictures that flow well together, you’ll end up having a cohesive look that nails your brand aesthetic, turning visitors into followers and eventually into raving fans and clients!

Your feed is the first thing a visitor sees when they land on your profile, so getting consistent looking photos is the key to having a great Instagram feed so that you make a good impression.

Here are my 3 top tips for creating a cohesive Instagram feed!


Lighting is key to great photos, so pick a style of light that you love and stick to it.

Are you light & airy? Dark & moody? Muted or saturated?

If you are taking your own photos, photograph in similar lighting every time to create consistency across all your photos. If you source images from a stock photo library, choose one that has a consistent style and feel, and is not a hotch potch of different styles from different photographers.

Choose photos that are taken at a certain time of day to stay consistent, such as daylight hours that avoid harsh shadows, or photos after sunset if you want that moodier vibe.

Love bright & airy photos just like these? Check out my stock photo membership that I created for women business owners just like you! I take all the images myself so they are consistent in style and mood, blending seamlessly with one another. Let me take the photos so you don’t have to!

Choose a color palette

Choose 3-4 colors that represent your brand (if you have a brand guide that was created by a designer, this should include your color palette). Always include one color in each photo that you upload to Instagram, so that when you look at your feed as a whole, it will create a cohesive color palette.

Make sure that no colors distract from your color theme. If there is an object in the photo that does not fit, try cropping it out, or simply remove the object if you are taking the photo yourself.

Tip! Check out my Instagram strategy Guide which will show you how to engage authenticallyincrease your visibility and grow an audience of ideal followers.

Mood & Niche

What adjectives or emotions describe your brand and business? Try and convey these feelings through the photos that you choose.

Photos are great for storytelling and conveying emotions, so pick photos that speak to your audience! Avoid images of boring flat lays with random objects, with no depth or mood. Include inspiring and storytelling images for effective messaging, and to invoke feelings of comfort and trust.

Also think about your niche, and balance your style, business, and family-focused or brand images of yourself, by mixing them in one at-a-time. Try not to scatter your content too much, but rather have them come together cohesively as a whole!

If you’re looking for stock photos that are more than just a laptop and ladylike hands, you’ll love these high quality, spiritual stock images that are light in tone.

Once you’ve nailed these 3 things: lighting, color and mood, your feel should be incredibly cohesive!

I hope you enjoyed reading these tips, let me know how they served you!

And be sure to follow me on Instagram where I share more tips and behind the scenes on current stock photo collections that I’m working on!

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