4 Tips for Using Stock Photos Successfully

Are you launching a new product or service soon? If so, stock photos can add an extra element of sophistication and professionalism to your offering without sacrificing your soulful intentions for it. 

Below are a few quick tips on using stock photos to communicate with potential clients on a more soulful, emotional level.

Create Your Own Collection

The photos at Inspired Stock Shop are organized by collection for a few reasons: they share the same theme, color palette, and vibe. Before you launch a product or service, take some time to browse for photos that capture the tone you want for the offering. Then, create a separate Dropbox folder just for images that will support your offering. Download and collect photos from different Inspired Stock Shop collections that have the same vibe, so you always have photos handy for promoting your offering.

Use Photos to Reinforce the Branding

Each product or service can have its own branding. While you want to make sure their branding matches your overall business brand, it’s ok to change it up a little for workbooks, slides, and ebooks. Refer to your curated collection of photos mentioned above and select some of the same images for the landing page, social media, and other collateral to keep the branding consistent.

I suggest using the same colors throughout as well, and all of the Canva templates in the ISS library are fully customizable so you can personalize them to suit your brand.

Focus on the Transformation

Sales coaches tell us to focus on the transformation when talking or writing about an offering. The stock photos you choose can help you do that as well. Ask yourself: How do I want my clients to feel? Then, collect photos that convey those emotions. 

Tranquility, strength, courage, love, sensuality, creativity, and more can all be expressed through spiritual stock photos.

A side note: You don’t have to use photos that include people to convey these emotions. I recommend sitting down with a nice cup of tea or coffee and spending time browsing the collections here

Really look at them and ask yourself how they make you feel. You may find that an assortment of candles or an arrangement of crystals expresses more of what you want to feel than some of our photos with people in them.

Invest in Custom Stock Photography

Another way to use stock photos to launch a product or service is to invest in custom stock photography. This year, I had the honor of creating a custom stock photo collection for Ulrika Hederberg, the founder of Soulbizz Academy. She wanted custom stock photos that were light and airy, and featured her brand colors of aqua and turquoise. She also requested a mystic, feminine feel for her soulful online business. 

After spending some time learning about her business, I created stock photos that speak for her brand and to her ideal clients.

One of my favorite things about this shoot is that it inspired Ulrika to name an offering after the saying on a mug I chose for her shoot. It says, “Make Your Own Magic,” and she has a program launching in 2022 by the same name!

Would you like your own custom stock photographs? I open a few spots up each month and would love to learn more about your business and its custom photo needs. Apply here!

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