Feminine stock photos for female entrepreneurs

Welcome to the most creative stock photography resource for women business owners in the spiritual, wellness & holistic entrepreneur space.

Inspired Stock Shop is the first and only stock photography membership with spiritual and mindfulness focused stock photos for heart-led businesses.

Stock photos should go beyond just being photos and be tools to genuinely connect with your target audience.

That is what The Inspired Stock Shop has mastered! No more basic images of gold pens, Kate Spade purses, and baby pink everything.

The collections include a range of subjects and moods, allowing you to find what resonates with you and your message.

Whether you are just starting out or growing your business, you’ll save time and money with instant access to a library full of professionally-composed lifestyle photos that never fall flat.

Get ready to for on brand and powerful imagery to coincide with and enhance your message. Because you are worthy of a STUNNING brand that speaks to the heart and soul of the community you have worked so hard to build.

To find out more about our stock photos and becoming a member, head on over to our membership page.

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