How Stock Photos Help You Elevate Authentic Selling

Imagery can be a powerful element for your business; and when used in a way that feels authentic and soul-aligned, you are more capable of genuinely connecting with your target audience. 

Branded photos that are true to you and your business can be a powerful tool to help you not only build genuine connections but also elevate your authentic selling. When this genuine connection is established and solidified, other parts of your business, including your sales process, become more authentic and natural. 

By finding alignment in your higher purpose, you will attract others to you, and selling your offer or services becomes less of a job and more of an authentic outcome that manifests when you talk about your business. 

How do stock photos help you elevate authentic selling?

Online brand marketing relies on images or photos that can be used on your website, your social channels, your blog, your emails, your freebies, and so many other places. 

Images and photos draw your ideal customers attention to you and can form a connection. There are plenty of free stock sites, but my warning there is to look for images that you haven’t seen before because if you’re using popular ones, they won’t be nearly as impactful. 

Here are a few ways they can help you sell with true authenticity:

Choose Images That Speak To Your Soul

Don’t get me wrong, there are some incredible images on free stock photo sites, but they tend to lack or highlight individuality, emotion, or spirit. When it comes to the photos you use for your branding, you really want to tap into and capture the soul of your business

For example, I sell stock photos that are inspirational, mindful, spiritual, and filled with light and energy. Heart-led purpose-based businesses can use these photos for their online presence to represent the heart and soul of their business. These photos are the tools that are helping them genuinely connect with their target audience.

Investing in stock images that authentically represent your brand’s soul will help you connect with your ideal clients looking for a specific type of brand presence that aligns with their interests and pain points–this, enabling you to sell from a place of authenticity and set up your offer to exude your truest and highest self.

Need more workspace photos that align with your soul? Browse our library!

Choose Images That Help You Stand Out From The Crowd

When it comes to your brand’s individuality you really want to stand out from the crowd. This is harder to do when you and 1,000+ other businesses keep using the same images from free stock sites. 

Sure, using one or two free stock images won’t hurt your brand, but when a potential client lands on your website or scrolls past a social media post that uses a familiar (and likely overused) stock photo, they might be clicking away with the wrong impression. 

These potentially harmful impressions can stem from your unwillingness to invest in your business. If you aren’t willing to invest in your branding with quality images for your online spaces, what else aren’t you willing to invest in? 

Using unique images from paid stock photo sites can help you reach that professional, and more importantly, authentic feel on your sales pages, your stories, your emails, your freebies, and wherever else your images are used. 

This is what makes your brand stand out from your competitors and helps you naturally and authentically sell your services with ease and alignment with your true purpose. 

Need this photo in your collection? Click here to purchase!

Choose Images That Give You Clear Brand Representation

When you find stock photos representing your brand -whether it’s through a branding session or a stock image site that matches your aesthetics – your images should automatically be working for you. Images help convey certain feelings or emotions for your audience. Ultimately, they help bring your brand to life

For example, if you want your brand to be feminine, confident, and bold – you should choose stock photos that exude femininity, confidence, and boldness. A potential customer who comes across your images will automatically feel your brand’s boldness and femininity – which makes one less thing for you to convey when you’re selling – because they already feel what your brand represents through your stock photos.

Let your images speak the words you want to say, so you don’t have to! 

The right stock photos will attract the right clients to you, which means you can focus less on your sales pitch and more on authentic connection and communication with your audience. 

I hope these examples and ideas give you a better idea of the many ways you can use stock photography on your website to support your growing business!

Looking for beautiful stock imagery to use on your website, created for women business owners just like you?

Head on over here to learn about membership opportunities to our growing library of stock photos that are light and airy in style.

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