How to Increase Engagement on Your Website and Social Media

It’s noisy on the internet, and engagement is one of the surest ways to grow your business, bring more people to your website, and thrive as a business owner.

I’ve had many ISS members ask how to cut through the noise and increase engagement on various channels, so I put my advice together in one post.

Keep reading for suggestions about improving engagement on your site, events, and social media in general.

Ways to Increase Engagement on Your Website

Your website is like your storefront – even if you’re not an e-commerce store or have a physical store. We’ve come to expect clarity and ease online, so when people visit your website, that’s what they’ll be looking for.

If you want to increase engagement on your website and convert visitors to clients or customers, you must start by being clear. Make sure you’re using non-industry words to explain what you do. This is not the place for your more esoteric writings.

You also want to ensure you’ve got eye-catching visuals that make visitors feel your brand’s essence when they arrive on your site. We often make buying choices based on our emotions, so as you select your soulful images, ask yourself, “How do I want visitors to feel?”

Don’t Forget About Functionality

Your website should work well on mobile and desktop. Platforms like Squarespace require a few manual tweaks to ensure it looks great on mobile. Since most visitors will view your site on phones, you don’t want to turn them off with poor formatting.

Increase Engagement for Classes and Workshops

Whether you are promoting classes and workshops virtually or in person, it’s important to talk about the logistics – when and where the event will take place. However, it’s the transformation people can expect that will increase interest and engagement.

Ask yourself how your students should feel afterward. What lessons will they take away? Make sure you’re talking about those factors when sharing about your event.

It’s also a good idea to use the same visuals in all event assets. So, if you’re posting about it on social media, use the same images on the sales page or in the physical fliers and other collateral. Visual consistency helps build trust in your customers that your workshop or class is high quality and valuable.

Optimize Your Landing Pages

This tip goes for anything you’re selling online: Your landing pages should have high-quality visuals and be easy to understand. Break the information up using soulful stock photos or bolded subheadings like the ones you see in this post. Bullet points are also a great way to ensure your content is clear and concise.

Remember, a confused buyer will find someone else to buy from.

Increase Engagement for Market Appearances Online and Off

In warmer months, you may be working some in-person markets. If so, this presents a fun challenge with engagement. Before the market takes place, advertising what and who will be there will help boost your sales the day of. 

Consider holding a contest for folks who share your posts and then visit you at the market. Encourage them to come by your booth and show you their social posts about the market. You can host a raffle or create little goodie bags for them as a thank-you. These same folks will likely buy something from you while they’re there!

Create Engagement for Circles and Other Events

One of the best ways to increase engagement for your sisterhood circles and other spiritual events is to give people a free workbook or guide related to your upcoming event. This will help them prepare for the event and help you grow your email list size for other events.

Again, making sure you’re using captivating visuals will help with engagement. As will showing up on video! We want to get to know the person behind the event, especially if it’s a more spiritual event such as a cacao ceremony, sisterhood circle, or full moon ritual.

Increase Engagement on Social Media

All of the above tips translate to social media engagement. High-quality visuals, showing your face – either through selfies and professional pictures or on video – and being clear about what it is you do and who you serve will increase your engagement.

Remember that your social media accounts are about your ideal clients, not really about you. While some personal posts are definitely a wonderful way to help others get to know you, they will follow you and engage more with your content if you help them feel seen and heard.

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