It is proven that creating a morning routine sets you up for a more productive and uplifting day. Starting your day off in a positive and aligned way can directly impact how the rest of your day goes. This doesn’t mean things will always be perfect, but it does mean you will be in a more balanced and positive headspace to face whatever comes your way!
So what can you do in the morning to make your day more intentional?
Here are some morning practices are guaranteed to start your day off on a more magical foot:
1. Set Your Intentions
Take a few moments to set your intentions for the day. An intention is what you intend to focus on or accomplish for a set period of time. That doesn’t necessarily mean making a to do list, though that’s ok to do, but decide how you want to feel through the day and what you plan on accomplishing.
Setting a daily intention could look like: My intention for today is to stay focused on one task at a time until I complete each task. Your intention is FOCUS but you’ve given yourself a very specific goal to hold in your mind as you are going through your work day.
2. Gratitude Practice
Appreciate what you have right now. This is so important because gratitude is a doorway for more blessings in your life. Being appreciative of everything you have always expands our capacity to receive more.
You can practice gratitude in many ways. A good way to start is to write down 5-10 things you’re grateful for each morning or think of them while you make breakfast.
Place your journal on your nightstand so that you remember to write in it after you wake up or as you drink your morning coffee, tea, or water.
3. Meditate & Visualise
Meditation is hands down one of the best things you can do for yourself, and the science supports that. If you are experiencing high levels of stress or anxiety, meditation will bring peace to your mind and slow down your heart rate immediately.
Start with 5 minutes and work your way up as you see fit. You can also simply sit in silence and follow your breath.
Following your breath means that when your mind begins to wonder, you gently focus your mind and attention back to your breath. Focus on the inhale and the exhale. While you are in this state, another tip I have for you is to spend about 5 minutes visualizing, in as much detail and feeling as possible, of having all your heart’s desires.
Start acting as if all of those dreams and desires were already real and visualize exactly what they would look like in your life.
Feel yourself full and allow your goodness to flow.
I can recommend reading ‘Dollars Flow To Me Easily’ by Richard Dotts. His book explains this technique well.
Are you in the beginning of your meditation journey and could use some guidance to get you started? Snag my FREE 4 days of mindful meditations right here.
4. Affirmations
Affirmations are declarations that will help to empower you to reach your goals. These can also be described as phrases that are personalized to your current situation and state the results you want to have in life.
The key here is the feelings and emotions you put behind each word of the phrase. I recommend writing them out each morning, as though every word you are writing is the truth, and in time, it will be your truth.
They are powerful because they change our thoughts by planting seeds in our mind.
For example, if you are struggling with self-image, you could write down and say out loud the affirmation, “I am beautiful and thankful for my body. I love myself. I am grateful for my body and that it has brought me through every season.”
This will immediately raise your vibration and shift your focus from thinking negatively about your self.
Recommended read: ‘Write It Down And Make It Happen’ by Henriette Klauser
5. Move Your Body
We all know we’re supposed to do some form of exercise at least 3-5 days a week. Getting your workout done in the morning feels so good because then you don’t have to worry about it for the rest of the day. You also jumpstart your body and start your day on an energetic high.
Some simple stretching exercises while you are in bed also works wonders to wake your body up fully. Wiggle your toes. Roll your hips from side to side. Reach your fingers to the ceiling. Stretch your lungs too and take a few deep breaths. Now get out of bed and move your body!
Go on a jog, dance to your favorite music in front of your mirror, or do that Pilates workout on YouTube that you’ve been putting off. No matter what it is, MOVE!
6. Eat A Wholesome Breakfast
Prepare a well rounded breakfast that will power you through your morning and keep you satisfied until lunch, and sit in the sun while you mindfully eat it or listen to an inspiring podcast or uplifting music playlist.
A nutrient packed meal includes a good proportion of fats, carbs, and protein and a large amount of micronutrients (fruits and vegetables).
If you don’t have time to cook in the mornings, some great grab and go options are overnight oats, tofu scramble, smoothies, and chia pudding, to name a few.
Some other rituals that I love:
- Taking a walk in nature as the sun rises
- Dry body brushing before hopping in the shower (gets circulation going throughout the whole body and feels AMAZING)
- Epsom salt bath with candles, body scrub, and a good book!
Choose the top 3 things from this list that inspire you most and make them non-negotiables for your morning routine. Write down your new morning routine and check the list off as you go to hold yourself accountable!
Pick a time to wake up and how long you will spend on your routine. Perhaps it’s just 30 mins, or as long as 2 hours.
After practicing these habits you will start becoming more intentional about how you start your day and will begin to notice that things begin to shift on the inside and out.
You’ll feel less scattered and more focused during the day, creative ideas will start to pop out of the sky, and you’ll learn to pause and become more patient and content with being fully engaged in the present moment.
Are you ready to start transforming your life by creating your new morning routine? There’s no better time than the present so get that notebook out, write down your new routine, and then stick to it!
I would love to hear what you come up with so comment below and let me know how it goes!
What is YOUR favorite morning ritual?

check out these gorgeous stock photo collections for practicing mindfulness