Self Care Stock Photos

Self-care goes beyond bubble baths and spa days. In the Time to Relax Collection, we’ve captured those private moments of self-care in life: reviewing the calendar, applying a gold eye mask, and returning a text to a dear friend. Every task featured in this collection is soothing and peaceful. Whether you’re an essential oil enthusiast, natural wellness expert, or productivity coach, these stock photos will help you remind your audiences that the little moments are important too.

Featuring a grounded palette of green, brown, black, and soft gray, the collection feels centered and hopeful. It’s the perfect vibe for Self-Care Sunday or stolen moments during a busy day.

Some ideas on how you can uses these photos:

  • Promote your skincare products
  • Share tips for self care or skin care
  • Use in blogs on your site
  • Write a newsletter about the importance of self care
  • Share ideas for self care

View the entire collection below, as well as more self care stock images, such as our Sensual Self Care collection:

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